Jan Antonín Losy, Count of Losinthal (German: Johann Anton Losy von Losinthal); also known as Comte d'Logy (Losi or Lozi), (c. 1650 – 22 August 1721 ) was a Bohemian aristocrat, Baroque lute player and composer from Prague. His lute works combine the French style brisé with a more Italian cantabile style. He was probably the most significant lutenist-composer in Bohemia at the height of the lute's popularity there.
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| - Johann Anton Losy (de)
- Johann Anton Losy (de)
| - Fu uno dei maggiori liutisti del XVII secolo, già alla sua epoca comunemente noto come virtuoso. Infatti E.G. Baron nel suo libro Untersuchung des Instruments der Lauten, pubblicato nel 1727, cita in tal modo Logy: "Il Conte boemo Logy, famosissimo per il suo eccezionale virtuosismo e le sue numerose doti spirituali" Logy era già durante la sua vita molto noto come virtuoso di liuto. Sylvius Leopold Weiss gli dedicò una delle sue migliori opere: "Tombeau sur la mort du comte Logy". (it)
- Jan Antonín Losy, Count of Losinthal (German: Johann Anton Losy von Losinthal); also known as Comte d'Logy (Losi or Lozi), (c. 1650 – 22 August 1721 ) was a Bohemian aristocrat, Baroque lute player and composer from Prague. His lute works combine the French style brisé with a more Italian cantabile style. He was probably the most significant lutenist-composer in Bohemia at the height of the lute's popularity there. (en)
- Johann Anton Graf Losy von Losinthal, auch Logi von Losymthal oder Losynthal bzw. Jan Antonín Logy z Lozimtál (* um 1645 auf Schloss Steken bei Strakonitz/Böhmen; † 3. September 1721 in Prag) war kaiserlicher Beamter, Komponist und einer der bekanntesten Lautenisten seiner Generation. (de)
- Johann Antonin Losy von Losimthal (1650 - 22 août 1721 Prague), ou comte Logy est un luthiste et guitariste tchèque connu pour ses talents d'instrumentiste et de compositeur pour le luth et la guitare. Losy étudia d'abord à Prague avant de se rendre en France et en Italie. Il a laissé de nombreuses tablatures pour luth et pour guitare sous forme de manuscrits. Il est le dédicataire d'un Tombeau écrit par le luthiste Sylvius Leopold Weiss. (fr)
- ヨハン・アントン・ロジー・フォン・ロージンタール(ドイツ語: Johann Anton Graf Losy von Losinthal, チェコ語: Jan Antonín Losy, 1650年頃 - 1721年)はボヘミアの貴族、リュート、ヴァイオリン奏者および作曲家。近侍のアカティウス・カシミール・ヒュルゼにリュートの手ほどきを受けたとされる。フランス語でコント・ド・ロジー(Comte d'Logy、ロジー伯爵)とも呼ばれた。 エルンスト・ゴットリープ・バロンの著書"Historisch-theoretische und practische Untersuchung des Instruments der Lauten"に「名実共にあたかもあらゆる楽器の中の女王と呼ばれるに恥じないものにまで高めた」とあり、この時代のリュート音楽を完成させた。また、ドイツの高名なリュート奏者シルヴィウス・レオポルト・ヴァイスは、彼の死に際して「ロジー伯の死に捧げるトンボー」を作曲している。 (ja)
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P100 died in
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P98 was born
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| - Johann Anton Losy (de)
- Johann Anton Losy (de)
- Jan Antonín Losy z Losinthálu (cs)
- Johann Anton Logy (de)
- Graf von Logi (de)
- Johann Anton Logi (de)
- Johann Anton Losy von Losinthal (de)
- Jan Antonín Losy (cs)
- Johann Anton Losy von Losimthal (de)
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| - Johann Anton (de)
- Johann Anton (de)
- Graf von (de)
- Jan Antonín (cs)
P131 is identified by
| - Losy, Johann Anton (1650?-1721) (de)
- Losy, Johann Anton (1650?-1721) (de)
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| - Losy (de)
- Losy (de)
- Losy von Losimthal (de)
- Losy von Losinthal (de)
- Losy (cs)
- Logi (de)
- Losy z Losinthálu (cs)
- Logy (de)
is P14 carried out by
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