Ustad Nasir Aminuddin Dagar (Indore, India 1923 - Kolkata, India 2000) was an Indian dhrupad singer in the dagar-vani style. He is also remembered as the younger brother in the legendary jugalbandi or duo of Senior Dagar Brothers. He along with his elder brother Ustad Nasir Moinuddin Dagar was responsible in reviving the dhrupad tradition that had fallen to a nadir after the death of their father Ustad Nasiruddin Khan Dagar. Ustad Nasiruddin Khan had an early premonition of his own death and spend ten years training his two elder sons Moinuddin and Aminuddin so as to impart all his musical knowledge to them. Subsequently after Ustad Nasiruddin Khan's demise the two brothers trained under Ustad Riyazuddin Khan and Ustad Ziauddin Khan Dagar.
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