| - Cresciuto nell'ambiente operistico (il padre Andrej Petrovič era un basso e la madre Marija Aleksandrovna Elizarova era un soprano) studiò al conservatorio di Leningrado dal 1957.Al Palais Garnier di Parigi nel 1969 è Grigori-Dimitri in Boris Godunov diretto da Gennadij Roždestvenskij con Galina Višnevskaja, Irina Archipova ed Elena Obrazcova e nel 1970 Vladimir Igorjevich ne Il principe Igor' diretto da Mstislav Rostropovič con la Višnevskaja, la Archipova e la Obrazcova. È stato insignito come Artista del popolo dell'Unione Sovietica. (it)
- Vladimir Andreyevich Atlantov (Russian: Владимир Андреевич Атлантов; born 19 February 1939) is a Russian operatic tenor. Born in Leningrad, Atlantov is the son of bass Andrey Petrovich (1906–1971) who sang in both the Kirov and Maly opera theaters of Leningrad. His mother, Maria Aleksandrovna Yelizarova, was a lyric soprano who performed in the same opera theaters, taught, and later was a vocal consultant in the Kirov theater. She had been awarded the title of the Honored Artist of the RSFSR. His wife, the soprano Tamara Andreyevna Milashkina, is also an opera singer. She had been awarded the title the People's Artist of the USSR as well as the State Award of the Russian SSR. They have a daughter, Lada (b. 1963). (en)
- Wladimir Andrejewitsch Atlantow (russisch Владимир Андреевич Атлантов; * 19. Februar 1939 in Leningrad) ist ein russischer Opernsänger (Tenor). (de)
- Władimir Atłantow (ros. Влади́мир Андре́евич Атла́нтов; (ur. 19 lutego 1939 w Leningradzie) – rosyjski śpiewak tenor operowy. (pl)
- Влади́мир Андре́евич Атла́нтов (род. 19 февраля 1939, Ленинград, СССР) — советский российский оперный певец (тенор). Народный артист СССР (1976). Каммерзенгер Австрии (1987). (ru)