Attributes | Values |
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| - Hungarian folksongs (en)
- Magyar népdalok (hu)
| - Date de révision : 1938 (fr)
- Comprend : no1 Elindultam szép hazámbul [I left my fair homeland] ; no 2, Által mennék én a Tiszán ladikon [I would cross the Tisza in a boat] ; no 3a–b, Fehér László lovat lopott [László Fehér stole a horse] ; no 4a (4 in rev.), A gyulai kert alatt [Behind the garden of Gyula] ; no 4b (5 in rev.), A kertmegi kert alatt [Behind the garden of Kertmeg] ; no 5 (not in rev.), Ucca, ucca, ég az ucca [The street is on fire] ; no 6 Ablakomba, ablakomba, besütött a holdvilág [In my window shone the moonlight] ; no 7, Száraz ágtól messze virít a rózsa [From the withered branch no rose blooms] ; no 8, Végigmentem a tárkányi, sej, haj, nagy uccán [I walked to the end of the great street in Tárkány] ; no 9, Nem messze van ide Kis Margitta [Not far from here is little Margitta] ; no 10 Szánt a babám [My sweetheart is ploughing] (fr)
- 10 lieder (fr)
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U13 has casting
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U16 has catalogue statement
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U68 has variant title
| - Hungarian folksongs (en)
- Magyar népdalok (hu)
U71 has uniform title
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U12 has genre
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P3 has note
| - Date de révision : 1938 (fr)
- Comprend : no1 Elindultam szép hazámbul [I left my fair homeland] ; no 2, Által mennék én a Tiszán ladikon [I would cross the Tisza in a boat] ; no 3a–b, Fehér László lovat lopott [László Fehér stole a horse] ; no 4a (4 in rev.), A gyulai kert alatt [Behind the garden of Gyula] ; no 4b (5 in rev.), A kertmegi kert alatt [Behind the garden of Kertmeg] ; no 5 (not in rev.), Ucca, ucca, ég az ucca [The street is on fire] ; no 6 Ablakomba, ablakomba, besütött a holdvilág [In my window shone the moonlight] ; no 7, Száraz ágtól messze virít a rózsa [From the withered branch no rose blooms] ; no 8, Végigmentem a tárkányi, sej, haj, nagy uccán [I walked to the end of the great street in Tárkány] ; no 9, Nem messze van ide Kis Margitta [Not far from here is little Margitta] ; no 10 Szánt a babám [My sweetheart is ploughing] (fr)
- 10 lieder (fr)
has component
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U70 has original title
| - Hungarian folksongs (en)
- Magyar népdalok (hu)
is sameAs
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is created
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is has representative expression
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is is realised in
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is P141 assigned
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