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Solomon ibn Gabirol (alt. Solomon ben Judah) (Hebrew: שלמה בן יהודה אבן גבירול Shlomo Ben Yehuda ibn Gabirol, pronounced [ʃlɵ.mɵ bɛn jɛ.ˈhuː.də ˈɪ.bn ˌgə.bi.ˈrɒːl]; Arabic: أبوأيوب سليمان بن يحيى بن جبيرول Abu Ayyub Sulayman bin Yahya bin Jabrirul, pronounced [æ.ˈbuː æy.ˈyuːb ˌsu.læj.ˈmæːnɪ bnɪ ˌjæ'hyæː bnɪ dʒæ.biː.'ruːl]) was an 11th-century Andalusian poet and Jewish philosopher with a Neo-Platonic bent. He published over a hundred poems, as well as works of biblical exegesis, philosophy, ethics. and satire. One source credits Ibn Gabirol with creating a golem, possibly female, for household chores.