_:b10226 . "Scope note:\nThis class comprises physical objects (printed books, scores, CDs, DVDs, CD-ROMS, etc.) that carry a F24 Publication Expression and were produced by an industrial process involving a F3 Manifestation Product Type.\n\nExamples:\nMarin Mersenne\u2019s personal copy of his own \u2018Harmonie universelle\u2019 without any manuscript addition and without Charles Racquet\u2019s manuscript score, as a mere witness of the 1st edition of \u2018Harmonie universelle\u2019, Paris, 1636 [the same physical object can be regarded at the same time as an instance of F5 Item inasmuch as it is a witness of a publication, and as an instance of F4 Manifestation Singleton inasmuch as it contains manuscript annotations and additions and as it served as the basis for a subsequent production process]\n\nAny other copy of the original edition of Marin Mersenne\u2019s \u2018Harmonie universelle\u2019, Paris, 1636\n\nAny copy of the modern reprint publication of Marin Mersenne\u2019s \u2018Harmonie universelle\u2019, Paris, 1986, ISBN \u20182-222-00835-2\u2019\n\t\t"@en . _:b4747136 . . _:b4747137 . _:b4747136 . _:b10226 . . . _:b10226 . "item"@en . _:b4747137 . _:b10226 "1"^^ . "F5 Item"@en . _:b10226 . _:b4747136 . _:b4747137 . _:b4747136 "1"^^ . "Scope note:\nThis class comprises physical objects (printed books, scores, CDs, DVDs, CD-ROMS, etc.) that carry a F24 Publication Expression and were produced by an industrial process involving a F3 Manifestation Product Type.\n\nExamples:\n- Marin Mersenne\u2019s personal copy of his own \u2018Harmonie universelle\u2019 without any manuscript addition and without Charles Racquet\u2019s manuscript score, as a mere witness of the 1st edition of \u2018Harmonie universelle\u2019, Paris, 1636 [the same physical object can be regarded at the same time as an instance of F5 Item inasmuch as it is a witness of a publication, and as an instance of F4 Manifestation Singleton inasmuch as it contains manuscript annotations and additions and as it served as the basis for a subsequent production process]\n\n- Any other copy of the original edition of Marin Mersenne\u2019s \u2018Harmonie universelle\u2019, Paris, 1636\n\n- Any copy of the modern reprint publication of Marin Mersenne\u2019s \u2018Harmonie universelle\u2019, Paris, 1986, ISBN \u20182-222-00835-2\u2019\n\t\t"@en . _:b4747137 "1"^^ .