| - Jakob Dont (* 2 mars 1815 à Vienne en Autriche; † 17 novembre 1888 à Vienne) fut un violoniste, pédagogue et compositeur. (fr)
- Jakob Dont (* 2. März 1815 in Wien; † 17. November 1888 in Wien) war ein österreichischer Violinist, Violinpädagoge und Komponist. (de)
- Jakob Dont (March 2, 1815 – November 17, 1888) was an Austrian violinist, composer, and teacher. He was born and died in Vienna.His father Valentin Dont was a noted cellist. Jakob was a student of Josef Böhm (1795–1876) and of Georg Hellmesberger (1800–1873). At the age of sixteen, he became a member of the Hofburgtheater orchestra and in 1834 entered service at the Vienna Hofkapelle. During this time Dont appeared frequently as a soloist. Despite his success, he decided against a career as a soloist. In 1853 he became a professor at the Pädagogisches Institut in Vienna. From 1871, Dont was employed at the Wiener Konservatorium. He would eventually leave this post as the use of his own instructional compositions was forbidden. Dont's compositions are mainly limited to innovative teaching m (en)
- Jakob Dont (Viena, 3 de Março de 1815, onde faleceu em 17 de Novembro de 1888), violinista e compositor austríaco. Filho do violoncelista Josef Valentin Dont, foi aluno de Joseph Böhm (1795-1876) e de Georg Hellmesberger senior (1800–1873) no Conservatório de Viena. Ingressou como violinista na Orquestra do Teatro da Corte (1831) e da Capela Imperial (1834). Foi considerado um excelente pedagogo, e suas obras furam muito recomendadas pelos melhores mestres de violino - entre seus discípulos figura o célebre violinista Leopold Auer (1845-1930). (pt)
- Jakob Dont (Wenen, 2 maart 1815 - aldaar, 17 november 1888) was een Oostenrijks violist, componist en muziekpedagoog. Dont ontving zijn opleiding van Joseph Böhm en Georg Hellmesberger, Sr. aan het Weens conservatorium. Onder zijn studenten bevond zich Leopold Auer. Dont werd vooral bekend door zijn vioolmethodes en -etudes. (nl)
- Якоб Донт (нем. Jakob Dont; 2 марта 1815, Вена — 17 ноября 1888, там же) — австрийский скрипач, композитор и музыкальный педагог. Сын Валентина Донта. Учился в Венской консерватории у Йозефа Бёма и Георга Хельмесбергера. С 1853 г. преподавал в Венском учительском институте, с 1871 г. в Венской консерватории. Наиболее существенное в композиторском наследии Донта — сочинения педагогического назначения: так, Двадцать четыре этюда и каприса Донта «Gradus ad Parnassum» (Op. 35) до сих пор не утратили своего значения. Среди учеников Донта был, в частности, Леопольд Ауэр. (ru)